The Fulbright Scholar Program provides a variety of opportunities for 在线博彩 faculty to expand the international aspects of their research and teaching. The Fulbright Scholar Program is organized by the U.S. Department of State's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs and provides opportunities for faculty to teach and complete research overseas and to bring international scholars to campus for teaching, presentations and research collaborations. The Office of Education Abroad is the primary contact point on the 在线博彩 campus for information on the Scholar Program. For more information about Fulbright's Student Program, contact the Honors College.

在线博彩 faculty interested in conducting research or teaching overseas should consider applying to the Fulbright Core Scholar Program. This grant competition offers awards for teaching or research (or combined teaching and research) in more than 125 countries. Information on available grants by country and field is available at the Fulbright website: . Award periods range from two months to a year, depending on the specific grant parameters.

There are also several ways to work with foreign scholars as part of the Fulbright program. In addition to the core program for international scholars, Fulbright offers a Scholar in Residence  program that allows institutions to bring in foreign scholars to teach new courses, to "assist in faculty and curriculum development, and diversify the educational experiences of its students, scholars and surrounding community" ( Fulbright's Outreach Lecture Fund  allows campuses to draw on the pool of current Fulbright International Scholars in the U.S. for presentations on their work. More information on the OLF is available here: .

Faculty interested in learning more about any of these opportunities should contact Dr. Gaquere-Parker (, 在线博彩's Fulbright Scholar Program Liaison. Full information about Fulbright and its programs is available here: .